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Jake had tucked her into his bed then climbed in beside her, covering every inch of her body with his. She knew it was his way of reassuring her, and she was glad for it. She had fallen asleep with her face snuggled into the crook of his arm.The sun was setting when she awoke. She blinked a few times trying to make sense of the events of the day. Had Ray really shown up on her door after all this time? Just a day after publicly accusing her of infidelity?The phone rang, jarring her from her drea...m-like state. Beside her Jake cursed and rolled slightly so he could yank up the phone.“Hello?”There was a long pause as she listened intently.“Fuck, no. I don’t want her any more upset than she already is. Is he leaving, at least?”Another long pause.“Good. Maybe he’ll stay away for good now.”Jake hung up and tossed the phone away from the bed.“Jake?”He turned back to her, curling his arms around her. “Sorry to wake you, sweetheart.”“I was already awake. Jake, what was that about?”He stiffened.

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