Undying Love

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Duffy asked me first thing in the morning before we sat down to review the upcoming edition of Arts & Smarts.
    “A lot different from Charlotte. She has dark hair and lives in Queens.”
    “No, I mean in bed.”
    I rolled my eyes. Like I said, he thought with his dick. My silence gave him the answer he was seeking.
    “Find out if she has a friend.” Duffy never had any luck in the girlfriend department. The poor bastard needed to get laid before his dick withered away.
    I thanked him for
...covering for me yesterday and then told him to get to work. The magazine was going to press on Friday. There were tight deadlines to meet.
    As for me, getting into my work was easier said than done. I couldn’t focus. All I could think about was Allee. I felt different about her than the other girls in my past, including Charlotte. There was something about her that made me feel connected to her despite our social and cultural differences.

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