Unexpected Family

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This is why women needed husbands. To lift things.
    She’d spent twenty-four hours hiding in her room and she was done with that. What this room needed was to be cleaned. Top to bottom. The cobwebs and the ghosts and the regrets—all needed to be swept out.
    “Good Lord, Sandra, what are you doing?” Walter’s voice startled her and she dropped the mattress, which knocked over the bedside table with a loud crash.
    I shouldn’t have left that door open, she thought. She’d known he’d been prowl
...ing around her bedroom, could hear the shuffle and thump of his gait. Could feel him through the wood and stone—his concern. His…pity.
    Walter rushed forward to set the table right and Sandra caught her breath, leaning against the footboard on her bed. She used to do this job no problem. Funny what a few extra years and a soft life in the city will take away from a woman.
    Walter used his knee to push the mattress back onto the box spring as if it were made of air.

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