Unforgettable 3 (Hollywood Love Story #3)

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The book Unforgettable 3 (Hollywood Love Story #3) was written by author Here you can read free online of Unforgettable 3 (Hollywood Love Story #3) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Unforgettable 3 (Hollywood Love Story #3) a good or bad book?
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My head is still killing me. I should probably take another Advil, but instead I stagger to the liquor cabinet and pour myself a Scotch. I down the shot in one gulp and then pour myself another. Outside my house, I hear a car whip into the driveway. And then shortly, I hear the front door open and slam shut with a bang so loud it hurts my head. She storms into the living room, her spiky heels clickety-clacking and likely making dents on my wood floor. Fucking Katrina.
“Where the hell were you?”
...she barks.
Polishing off the Scotch, I turn to face her.
Her face scrunches in disgust. I’m not sure if it’s at the sight of me or because she’s simmering mad. I have my answer on her next blazing question.
“Why the fuck didn’t you pick up your phone? I called you a dozen times. Mommy was totally pissed off.”
Any other person in their right mind would say something like: “Oh my God! What happened to you? Are you okay?” upon seeing my mess of a face. While I haven’t yet taken a look at myself, the rawness of my skin and the excruciating pain behind my eyes are enough to clue me in that I look disastrous.

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Unforgettable 3 (Hollywood Love Story #3)
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