United States Steel; a Corporation With a Soul

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This renders it difiicult for the chronicler to decide where the heaviest stress should be laid.
MEN WHO MADE UNITED STATES STEEL 91 A prominent Chicago lawyer who in his youth had worked for years under Gary was appealed to in this regard. And this is what he said: "Judge Gary had the ability and courage to, whenever necessary, abandon the old precedents which, by reason of changed times and conditions, had been relegated to the scrap heap of progress. He was one of the few attorneys who could
..., with almost prophetic vision, see the positions which the courts of appeal must eventually be obliged to take with reference to questions of public policy and the great industrial organizations just then in their infancy." The lawyer then went on to tell an anecdote illustrating the fact that the Judge though a member of the legal pro- fession did not believe in recourse to litigation when it could be avoided. He said: "I recall that on one occasion a client called on the Judge in an irate mood and asserted his intention of prosecuting a neighbor for slander.

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United States Steel; a Corporation With a Soul
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