Vala Eminence (2013)

Cover Vala Eminence
Vala Eminence
Jenkins, J.F.
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What reading level is Vala Eminence book?
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The instant he felt the warm, dry heat of his true home, he had a surge in his power. Most people were terrified of the place, but to him it was a playground of magic.
    Denver walked along the side of the black castle of Hades. He touched the brick, which was surprisingly cool against his fingertips. He loved being there — it was home. Soon, I can come and go here without worrying about who will find me.
    He came upon a door leading inside. When he tested the knob, it didn't turn. “It's lo
...cked?” That's a first. Who could Lucien want to keep out? Besides me, of course, but if that were the case then he needs to do some more research. This is my castle, so it obeys my will. Smirking, he flicked his wrist and listened to the satisfying click of the lock turning.
    “Much better,” he said and opened the door. He could have phased right through the walls of the castle if he had wanted to, but he didn't feel like going through all of the trouble.

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