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Chicago was the last place on earth you wanted to be the first month of the year. Crotty stomped off the salt and slush from his shoes, padded up to the information counter.He waited for the librarian to take care of several people in front of him and then flashed his detective’s badge. The librarian, a grey-haired middle-aged woman, straightened and was a little frightened. Crotty was used to this reaction and applied it to his advantage.“How are you? I was wondering if you could answer a quest...ion for me…” Crotty addressed her, casually unaffected as he held up the photograph of Anderson that he had taken from Anderson’s motel room. “…have you ever seen this man here?”The librarian pushed her glasses back on her nose, leaned forward slightly and carefully eyed the photograph. It didn’t take her long to answer.“Yes, I’ve seen him.” The librarian firmly declared.Crotty nodded and tucked away the photo, asking her, “Do you know what kind of books he’s checked out?”“I can’t tell you that, it’s illegal.”

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