Virtually Hers

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Even at half a dosage, Helen could feel a big difference. The pain was gone, or at least, she didn’t feel it. Maybe it was from being nagged by a headache for the last few days, but the sudden lack of tension felt incredible. Undistracted by pain, she could think in whole paragraphs again. She didn’t need to distract herself by taking notes.She frowned. Armando and his illusions—was he distracting himself from his headaches that way? She needed to make it A-1 priority to have a one-on-one chat w...ith that man when she returned to Center.“Hell, status.”The sudden sound of Jed’s voice through the earpiece made her shiver with sudden awareness. Thanks to the serum, she’d been crouching in this position for over an hour now without feeling a darn thing—not the discomfort of her position, not the heat that was making her shirt damp, not any normal need to stand up and stretch at all—and he managed to cut through its effect and disrupt her sense of calm watchfulness by just saying her name.She peered through the binoculars, checking the auditorium below.

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