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Our father is dead. My brother seemed tired." I looked from Finn to Keeper and back to Finn in the warm, stuffy room, a lump rising in my throat. It was certainly no place and no time to start crying.Finn pulled up another sheet of paper and scanned it with his pale blue eyes. "A lot of odd behavior. We're getting nowhere trying to find a motive.""I doubt Nadia Evans did anything," I said."She is attractive, isn't she?" Finn said."Was Mauritz jealous of her?" Keeper asked.Finn was not impressed this question, either. He waved it aside, arranged his papers on the table, and pulled a chair close to mine before sitting. He clasped his hands earnestly."How would you induce coordinated, malicious behavior?" he asked. "Surely not with food poisoning.""Hypnosis," Keeper suggested, clasping his knee with big rough skinned hands. Finn scowled ever so slightly and Keeper tilted his hands back, giving it up."Was there food poisoning?" I asked, trying to get into the spirit of this peculiar tete-a-tete."The FBI lab says no.

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