Voices of the Day

Cover Voices of the Day
Voices of the Day
John Cumming
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The fbtore state^ whatever be its material characteristics, shall be a social state. It shall be no solitary, no sequestered qK>t, where we shall be alone. The everlasting antiiem of the blessed will not be a solo ; it will be a grand and mighty choms. The manifested and splendid company there will be the company of the sons of God. There will not be a single solitary there ; but the salutations of responsive hearts, the reciproei*- ties of renewed friendship, the communion of redemaed saints. ...In that city there will be no monk's cell. Amid its inhabitants there will be no anchorite or hermit. There will be there no dim reli^ous light, but a splendor so vivid that it will put out sun, and moon, and stars ; there shall be no night, but there shall be many multitudes, that no man can number, of worshipping, redeemed saints. There, will be society.
The idea of a city brings before us the thought of unity ; and the apostle Paul, when he wrote to the Ephesians. cvi* dently had this thought before him, when he told the Chris- tians there, " Through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.

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