Voices of the Dead. ...

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Voices of the Dead. ...
John Cumming
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It reveals to us God our Father. That religion which can teach me to say to the great and the holy God " Our Father," carries on its very face its own credentials. All natural religion makes me shrink from him, but this religion bids me welcome to him.
If there was a spectacle in Jerusalem that exceeded in beauty all history, or creation, it was when Jesus knelt upon the street, and the group of apostles knelt around him, and he, as their mouthpiece and spokesman, said, *' Our Father, which art
... in heaven." It was the evidence that the link which was lost in Paradise was reunited and replaced in Christ ; and that we, who were outcasts, prodigals, rebels and sinners, are by grace brought back again through Christ Jesus. Then the voice I hear in nature is my Father's voice ; then the hand guiding me is my Father's hand ; I have a personal heart in heaven that sympathizes with me. The Fatherhood of God, and the« brotherhood of man, are two of the noblest truths in the pages of Christianity.

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Voices of the Dead. ...
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