Voices of the Night

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Voices of the Night
John Cumming
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What reading level is Voices of the Night book?
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xii. 2.
This is a singularly difficult prescription of St. Paul, liable, as experience shows, to all degrees and shades of interpretation, and originating or made to originate all sorts of opinions, and perhaps, owing rather to the prepossessions of the reader than the obscurity of the words. Generally ppeaking, almost every man professing the gospel has his own standard of conformity to the world, which modifies his interpretation of the duty here enjoined, and so far renders his view differen
...t from his neighbor's. Some think the advice of St. Paul relates to the vices and the crimes of the world, and to these only : others to the dress and equipage of the world, and that it is^ therefore a duty to assume a permanent plainness, such as the Society of Friends adopts. Some think it refers to any intercourse with the world at all ; and therefore, that entering a con- vent is the only way of obeying the injunction: others think the words describe a certain fixed territory, to over- step which is to enter the realms and jurisdiction of the world, as if the separation of the Church from the world 188 THE WORLD-COPT.

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