War From the Clouds

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The book War From the Clouds was written by author Here you can read free online of War From the Clouds book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is War From the Clouds a good or bad book?
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It was not only too dangerous for Elicia and Antonio to go with me, but what I had to do was a one-man job. A job designed for N3, for AXE's top Killmaster.
    Meanwhile, we were all nearing exhaustion and I knew that even I would fail without rest.
    "What will we do, Senor Carter?" Antonio asked after Botussin and his son had left the hut.
    I regarded his handsome, young face in the dim light from the single torch left by the tribal council. He was a courageous young man and I knew that
...if I told him what was on my mind he'd insist on going along. So would Elicia. She was still sitting close to me, touching me, looking a little disappointed that we weren't still tied together.
    "First, we sleep," I said, avoiding Antonio's honest gaze. For some reason, I found it difficult to lie to this young rebel. Just as I found it difficult to be dishonest with Elicia. I could have made love to her on a number of occasions, especially back there in the jungle when she was bathing, and singing to herself, just behind that wall of vines.

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War From the Clouds
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