Warrior's Song

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"As for Graelam de Moreton— that, sire, is a long story. Perhaps late one night when we are deep into my father's fine wine from Aquitaine, I will tell you of it."    After the prince and princess were swept into the hall by Lord Hugh, Jerval turned to give orders for the prince's vast retinue.    "Well, cousin, you must be relieved that the prince is happily wed and doesn't have the habit of consorting with his nobles' ladies."    Jerval drew up at Eustace's deep voice. "You keep high company, ...Eustace." His eyes turned to his wife. "Chandra, this is Eustace de Leybrun. He was my sister Matilda's husband."    Chandra nodded politely at the dark man, hearing the barely veiled dislike in Jerval's voice. He was dressed nearly as richly as the prince, his thick velvet cloak covering a surcoat of burgundy, its wide sleeves lined with miniver. He was not of Jerval's height, but he was built like a bull, his neck thick and corded, and she could see that beneath his noble clothes, his body was hard with muscle.

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