Weather Influences; An Empirical Study of the Mental And Physiological Effects of Definite Meteorological Conditions

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The book Weather Influences; An Empirical Study of the Mental And Physiological Effects of Definite Meteorological Conditions was written by author Here you can read free online of Weather Influences; An Empirical Study of the Mental And Physiological Effects of Definite Meteorological Conditions book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Weather Influences; An Empirical Study of the Mental And Physiological Effects of Definite Meteorological Conditions a good or bad book?
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The monthly distribution of this form of crime was found to resemble in general that of assault and battery, i. e., a deficiency for the coldest months and an excess for the hottest, yet differing in that the great- est excesses for the year occurred in March (11%) and September (7%).
To one who has lived in Colorado, this fact does not seem strange, at least for the former month, since that is, by all odds, the most uncomfortable and unen joy able month of the year and one during which a perso
...n would seem to have an excuse for being ugly and out of sorts, if at any period. The wind is at that time at an average velocity nearly double that of some other months, and the wind, as will be shown later, is the peculiarly provok- ing element in the dry regions of high altitude. These conditions do not, however, exist during the month of September, and it is not easy to account for the excess of crime for that month.
Temperature. Great heat seems to have precisely the same effect upon the homicidal tendency that has been shown for pugnacity earlier in this chapter.

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