Wedding Series Boxed Set (3 Books in 1) (The Wedding Series)

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The book Wedding Series Boxed Set (3 Books in 1) (The Wedding Series) was written by author Here you can read free online of Wedding Series Boxed Set (3 Books in 1) (The Wedding Series) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Wedding Series Boxed Set (3 Books in 1) (The Wedding Series) a good or bad book?
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Grady grimaced as the sharp edge of a smallish box banged into his leg for the third time.
    “Sorry.” Tris shifted the bag to her other hand. They’d parked several blocks from the restaurant and the narrow sidewalks provided little room. “It’s for Michael.”
    “All the more reason to leave it in the car.” And away from my poor leg, his tone seemed to add. “He probably won’t come up for air from that political stuff for days, so you could have waited to give it to him back at the Monroes. Unle he’s already left.”
    Annoyance seeped into Tris. Michael wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye -- he’d promised. And he’d be at the restaurant if he could. And if he were there, she wanted him to have a piece of the day all the rest of them had spent together, to feel included, to know he’d been missed. But she wasn’t about to say any of that to Grady, because he wouldn’t understand. He wouldn’t.

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Wedding Series Boxed Set (3 Books in 1) (The Wedding Series)
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