What Sinn Fein Stands For; the Irish Republican Movement; Its History, Aims And Ideals, Examined As to Their Siginificance to the World

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If this should come to pass — and in our next chapter we shall examine the possibility — then real communities will rise which will become the obvious basis for the election of teachtai to the national assembly.
Now this suggests profoundly interesting possi- bilities. The objection to a geographical con- stituency under present conditions is that it is a purely accidental or fortuitous grouping of indivi- duals. Assume, however, that the electors in a certain area are linked together economica
...lly by membership of a single distributive institution, which also exercises industrial and social functions.
Then we have a real, not a factitious, community.
But further, it is no longer necessary to hold an election to discover the most popular and trusted public man. Organically he comes to the top as president of the commune. Here is the very man for the National Assembly ! Observe, again, that he holds his presidency just so long as he gives local satisfaction and no longer. If at the Annual General Meeting of the Commune — or at a Special General Meeting called by a certain number of the members — his conduct either locally or in the National Assembly is condemned, then he is imme- diately replaced by a vote of the delegates present.

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