What the Doctor Didn't Tell Her

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When she stopped in the doorway, he said, “Thanks for supervising Daniel today. My wife tells me you two had some issues from the past. If I’d been aware of that, I wouldn’t have volunteered you.”
“No problem.” Since he didn’t appear reassured, Sarah added, “We’ve put that behind us.”
“Glad to hear it. And it’s great that your mom’s able to watch his little girl.” Luke was a striking man in his own right, despite a slightly crooked nose from an old football injury. “I remember how hard it was wh
...en Zoey was a kid, after the divorce. My ex-wife travels—she’s a singer, and that involves a lot of touring. Until I married Jane, I struggled to find good sitters.”
“It doesn’t appear to have hurt Zoey.” The twelve-year-old had sailed into adolescence with considerable self-assurance. She was popular, athletic and a good student.
“Kids need a mom, especially girls.” Luke gave her a wry grin. “Despite my medical specialty, there are some areas of Zoey’s development that I’m happy to leave to Jane.

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