When Fangirls Cry

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Twitter: Crazy_4StarryEyed               Performance at this year’s VMA – check.
            “We fucking rocked it!” Staffan’s head choreographer yelled, and the entire crew cheered, Staffan clapping along with the rest of them. He missed Saffi like crazy, but at this moment, the emptiness felt a little less bad. He and his crew had worked their butts off to get ready for tonight, and it had paid off, if the continuing screams from outside were any indication.
            Beep, beep, beep.
...       A cacophony of sounds resonated in the room, their phones ringing at the same time, including Staffan’s. He smiled, knowing it was Saffi, probably sending them a congratulatory message. He checked his phone, and it was Saffi, sending them a video link titled ‘Congratulations’.
            In seconds, screams, curses, and the sound of phones crashing to the ground filled the room.
            “WHAT. THE. FUUUUUUCK?”

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