Whispers in the Dark

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The book Whispers in the Dark was written by author Here you can read free online of Whispers in the Dark book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Whispers in the Dark a good or bad book?
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And then it was gone just as quickly, leaving him unsettled and dizzy. His mouth went dry. He dropped the plank of wood he’d gotten to show Shea and ran back to the front of the house, clawing at the plastic, ripping an entire sheet from the frame as he stumbled to where he’d left Shea. She wasn’t there. He turned in a rapid circle. She wasn’t anywhere. “Shea! Shea!” he yelled. Shea, where are you, damn it? Talk to me. Tell me where you are, baby. Help me help you. I feel your fear. What’s happe...ned? Nothing. The sound of a helicopter sent him sprinting down the path toward the edge of the cliff. He topped the slight rise in front of the house and then stared down just in time to see the unbelievable. Some motherfucker with Shea tossed over his shoulder leaped from the edge of the cliff toward a helicopter hovering a few feet away. Time stopped. He couldn’t breathe. Oh God, what if he didn’t make it? When both landed inside the helicopter, Nathan nearly went to his knees in relief.

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