Widow Woman

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And a solitary man.His dark eyes came immediately to where she sat in the rocker. The chair lost its impetus and soon rocked itself still. He stood in the opening, a dusting of white emphasizing the breadth of his shoulders and the chill air reminding Rachel forcefully of the heat of his body.Nick closed the door, and took off his outer clothing as calmly as ever. He even removed his boots. Her gaze fastened on those boots set by the door, spreading damp patches on the floor from the melting sno...w.Rachel felt as if she were trying to digest a hot poker. All her insides burned, her lungs, her stomach ... and parts she didn't dare consider.Without a word, Nick crossed to her, waiting until she looked up. For a moment, while he stood without moving and only his black eyes revealing a glittering intensity, she thought he meant to do no more. And she felt a dizzying dismay that shocked her more than anything else ever had.She wanted to lie with this man.Still giddy with the recognition, she barely took it in when Nick begun methodically unbuttoning his vest.

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