Wild And Willing!

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The book Wild And Willing! was written by author Here you can read free online of Wild And Willing! book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Wild And Willing! a good or bad book?
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CHAPTER SIXAFTER two days of hobbling along on crutches Anna was almost screaming with frustration. Never blessed with patience, she liberally inflicted her ill humour on the rest of the household.‘Is it just your leg that’s making you so unpleasant?’ her mother asked after suffering another of her daughter’s outbursts. ‘Or is that just a convenient excuse?’‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Anna propped her crutches against the dresser and reached up to replace a china plate. She knew she was bein...g impossible. She felt guilty for being such a pain, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t snap out of it.‘I mean are you really being so vile because your wings are temporarily clipped, or is there some other reason?’Anna hooked the crutches back under her arms and swung herself across the room. ‘I’m sure I’ll regret asking this,’ she said resignedly, ‘but what other reason did you have in mind?’‘Adam Deacon?’ Beth’s eyes were filled with sympathy as her daughter’s face went fiercely hot and then deeply pale in rapid succession.‘Adam Deacon has nothing whatever to do with me.’ From her mother’s expression Anna could see she might as well have denied her eyes were brown.

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