William Hogarth; His Original Engravings And Etchings

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1738 First state, before the figure of a little 'girl was added next to the crying boy. The original picture is in the collection of the Earl of Ancaster XXVII. STROLLING ACTRESSES DRESSING IN A BARN. 1738 First state, with three holes in the roof (two being filled up in the second state) 5 '-t XXVIII. THE ENRAGED MUSICIAN. 1741 Second state. The first state (before the cats, steeple, and play bill) is very rare. The original painting of the subject in the Ashmolcan Museum, Oxford XXIX. PORTRAI
...T OF MARTIN FOLKES. 1742. PROOF BEFORE LETTERS The original painting belongs to the Royal Society XXXI. SIMON, LORD LOVAT.. 174-6 First state (before the addition of Price i Shilling in left corner of margin.) There is an original study in chalk for the head and shoulders in the British Museum. A picture of the same subject in the National Portrait Gallery is probably a later version (by another hand .?) based on the etching Simon Fraser, I2th Lord Lovat (b. ab. 1667) was an adventurer, who played a notoriously double game between the Jacobite and Govern- ment causes.

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William Hogarth; His Original Engravings And Etchings
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