Witch Hammer (2014)

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They had gone to Clopton Hall but Sledd’s commission was to ride into the town and spread the good word. A play was toward in three nights’ time at the Hall and all were welcome, admission one groat, half for the lame and incurables. Children – if they behaved – were to be allowed in free.
    ‘William Clopton,’ grunted the old man at the bridge head. ‘Papist William Clopton?’ ‘Sir William Clopton.’ Ned Sledd had a moment ago doffed his cap to the Warden of the Bridge, but now regretted his civi
...lity and put it back on with his most theatrical flourish. ‘My Lord is, as we speak, paying his devoirs to Sir William.’ The old man only had one eye and it shot like a watery blue arrow into the actor-manager’s face. ‘Who did you say your lord was, again?’ Sledd looked him up and down. The man would never see sixty again and he was squat with the urban guile of the country bumpkin who has been allowed to edge his gown with squirrel and put a tin chain around his shoulders.

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