Women in Deep Time (2003)

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The book Women in Deep Time was written by author Here you can read free online of Women in Deep Time book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Women in Deep Time a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Women in Deep Time book?
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Reena Cathcart lay a light, slender hand on her shoulder with a look of utmost sincerity. “You know none of the others can. I mean…” She stopped, the slightest hint of awareness of her faux pas dawning. “You’re simply the only one who can play the old—the older—woman.”
Letitia Blakely looked down at the hall floor, eyes and face hot, then circled her gaze up to the ceiling, trying to keep the fresh tears from spilling over. Reena tossed her long black hair, perfect hazel eyes imploring. A few st
...ragglers sauntered down the clean and carpeted hall of the new school wing to their classes. “We’re late for first period,” Letitia said. “Why the old woman? Why didn’t you come to me when there was some other part to play?”
Reena was too smart not to know what she was doing. Smart, but not terribly sensitive. “You’re the type.”
“You mean frowsy?”
Reena didn’t react. She was intent on a yes answer, the perfect solution to her problems.
“Or just dumpy?”

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