Wood Pattern-Making; the Fundamental Principles And Elementary Practice of the Art

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Fillets are also required at the point where the arm joins the hub; these should be tangent to a circle about one- half inch out* from the hub and to both arms ; the radius to be such that one arc shall touch all three points. The sides of the part of the arms that are set into the rim are PULWY PATTERNS 105 now to be located and marked. This is done by making a mark parallel with the center line of the arm; it should start from the point of tangency of the fillet arc and the circle representin
...g the inside of the rim, and should extend to the end of the arm. All of the above marks should be on the same side as the hub.
Next put the two half spiders together so that the two hubs shall be exactly over each other, or exactly con- centric, and fasten them temporarily by driving a small brad through two of the arms. These brads had better be put as near the end of the arms as may be. With a brace and five -sixteenths inch auger-bit bore holes through two of the arms for pattern pins. These pins should be located so that they will not be symmetrical with the center of the pattern; that is, one should be about three -fourths inch further from the center than the other.

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