Worcester in 1850

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This once reached, a fine prospect opens to repay one for i climbing the hill. The northern and western parts of I the city are seen to the east, and the spires from the cen- I tre rise from behind the hill. The sheet of water to the north is North Pond, that immediately below is Salisbu- 1 ry's Pond, and away to the northwest Wachusett rises in I. the distance, and perhaps on a clear day Monadnock too may be seen farther to the north.
, Our correspondents have suggested to us, among pleas- ant
... routes which may perhaps be too fatiguing for most 3 42 WALKS, RIDES AND DRIVES.
pedestrians, and too little travelled for easy driving througli, two or three horsehach rides through sequestered lanes. Such are To Millstone Hill. For a short horseback ride we could recommend that over Mill stone hill, as by far the finest any where to be had round Worcester. The road is rather difficult to follow, but its beauties will amply re_ pay any trouble in finding it. We take Belmont street from Lincoln square, and mounting the hill, pass by Bell Pond.

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Worcester in 1850
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