Work, Or, Plenty to Do And How to Do It

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Work, Or, Plenty to Do And How to Do It
Margaret Maria Gordon
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While watering others, his own soul will become as a watered garden, filled with all manner of spices, and pleasant fruits, and lovely flowers. It is true that at first he will not bear the seed-basket so joyfully as those who are basking in the sunshine of God's countenance. There will be weeping because of weariness, weeping because of weakness, weeping because of unworthiness ; so much the better. The precious seed will rise up all the goodlier and the greener, because of the spring showers ...before the summer sunshine. — Ps. cxxvi. 5, 6.
SPECIAL WORK. 70 In this work the instruments placed in our hands by the Father and the Master, are of no uncertain edge ; and sharpened by the Holy Spirit, there is no fear of their operation being inefficient, for God him- self works not only in us, and by us, but more gracious still, He works ttrith us,* — while the holy angels are our helpers and fellow-servants, f Confi- dently, then, let us take courage and be strong in the Lord. Joyfully let us plant in all soils and sow beside all waters.

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Work, Or, Plenty to Do And How to Do It
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