Wyoming Wildflowers: the Beginning

Cover Wyoming Wildflowers: the Beginning
The book Wyoming Wildflowers: the Beginning was written by author Here you can read free online of Wyoming Wildflowers: the Beginning book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Wyoming Wildflowers: the Beginning a good or bad book?
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Brad appeared out of nowhere and shot the single word at her as she’d trailed the others to the dressing room after the matinee.
    “No way. When — ?” she started indignantly. Then she realized she didn’t recall a single note of the numbers she’d performed.
    “Whole thing, beginning to end. No oomph at all.”
    He’d meant her performance. She released her shoulders back into a slump. “Sorry, Brad. I’ll do better tonight.”
    He might have simply repeated her word. More likely
...it was an order. Possibly a threat. He was gone before she felt any obligation to find out which. She didn’t particularly care, because — “He wasn’t here this afternoon, was he?”
    Donna’s head came up at Maudie’s voice. The older woman stepped forward from a shadow.
    “Who wasn’t — ?”
    Maudie stopped the charade with a shake of her head.

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Wyoming Wildflowers: the Beginning
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