Yesterday in Ireland 1

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His country, however, — a term by which was meant himself and his fellow-religionists, — gave ample subject for dissatisfaction, spleen, for sadness, or for anger, according as the state of the spirits prompted either mood. There ever exists a master-train of thought, to which all others, especially if they cause or par- take of emotion, tend and merge. A sense of his country^ wrongs was the master-train of Chef O'Mahon's ideas ; as indeed such must still be and have long been of every generous
... Irish-born. The sight of that scene, which had most struck him in youth, of that which might be called his native stream, of those towers fa- miliar to his boyhood, excited first the Chci '4 imagination, and through that his feelings.
fi Green Erin, my country !" said Roger CTMahon ; — but I must spare the reader his soliloquy, since so universally wretched at once is the fate of her people, so lukewarm our sympa- thies, and palsied our spirit and our taste, that of all uttered bursts of passion, the lament of the patriot hath come to seem the most dull and common- place.

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Yesterday in Ireland 1
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