Yesterday in Ireland 2

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As they rode over the very ground where O'More, but a short time since, had caught the idea of snatching the cap- tive Lady Auchinlech to himself, Willomer's anxieties were no longer directed towards that noble dame, but towards the lovely maiden of Corramahon, of whom he was really enamoured, if ever woman truly touched him.
As he descried the roof of the venerable old mansion in the grove beneath him, he began to reflect, a thing unusual to him, on the views with which he approached it : they
... were certainly not honest — scarcely honourable, tliough an indecision hung over them, so as to satisfy his conscientious moments, that he could not be the CORRAMAHON. 139 villain, which he sometimes meditated. All this misgiving train and tone of thought the gay Willomer, of any other day or morn, would have shaken off, and put every whisper of con- science or of high feeling to the rout, by a quotation from Rochefoucault or Farqhuar, or De Grammont: but in the last twenty-four hours he had suffered two discomfitures : he was wounded too, slightly but painfully ; he was weak, low-spirited, nervous also, for he fancied that fortune had declared against him, not capriciously, but in retributive justice for his insidious and unworthy plans.

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Yesterday in Ireland 2
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