Yesterday in Ireland 3

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What reading level is Yesterday in Ireland 3 book?
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The fettered and dejected Winter was roused from his painful reverie at first by the fall of a rotten bough upon him, and anon by, — *' Master, dear, is it there you are ?" " Hath honest Felix ventured to my rescue ?" and Winter as he spoke, held forth his hands to show they were manacled, and stretched forth his feet to tell they were free.
" There's not a mortial soul of 'em th' other side of us, but all afore, wid their mouths open, devil fill 'em. That neger of a fellow looks back now and a
...gin ; but I'll decaive him. If I give you a comrade. Master honey, don't be afeared, but sit upon him, and cover him a bit." Felix at the moment cut the suspended body that hung at the back of the tree over the road, and watching the moment that those in front had turned from looking, he swung it round, and placed it beside Winter; Winter's cloak was flung over it by the same hand, his OF NINETY-EIGHT. 169 cord cut, and himself at liberty to turn around the oak, and slip into the road. In an instant he was free.

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Yesterday in Ireland 3
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