Yesterday's Kings (2001)

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What reading level is Yesterday's Kings book?
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Dawn’s brightness came in through her bedroom windows and the chorus of the avians seemed to accompany her troubled thoughts as she lay contemplating what she’d heard the night before. For a while she rested, then determination overcame her and she arose, washing quickly and dressing faster. It was her father’s habit to rise early—far sooner than his wife—and take his breakfast with his men.
Abra went to join him.
She found him in the dining hall, a plate piled with bacon and eggs before him, a
...loaf of fresh-baked bread at one elbow, and a mug of mulled ale at the other. He smiled as he saw her, and drew a hand through his beard, scraping off crumbs that fell onto the table.
“You’re up early, child.”
“I was thinking,” she said.
“About Wyllym? Don’t worry—you’ll wed by your choice. Say nay and I’ll support you.”
“It wasn’t that.” Abra took the mug of tea a servant offered, and helped herself to a measure of eggs. “I heard what you said after …”

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