Young Lucretia, And Other Stories

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The book Young Lucretia, And Other Stories was written by author Here you can read free online of Young Lucretia, And Other Stories book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Young Lucretia, And Other Stories a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Young Lucretia, And Other Stories book?
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"What have you got in that box?"— the boy hung his head — "I hope you ain't got a pis- tol?" " No, marm." " You ain't got any powder, nor anything of that kind?" " No, marm." The boy was blushing con- fusedly.
"I hope you're tellin' me the truth," Mrs.
Kose said, and her tone was full of severe ad- monition.
"Yes, marm." The tears rolled down the boy's cheeks, and Mrs. Eose said no more. She told him she would call him in the morning, and Digitized by Google THE DICKEY BOY 203 to be caref ol ab
...out his lamp. Then she left him.
The Dickey boy lay awake, and cried an hour; then he went to sleep, and slept as soundly as Willy Eose in his snug little bedroom leading out of his mother's room. Miss Elvira and Mrs.
Eose locked their doors that night, through dis- trust of that little boy down-stairs who came of a thieving family. Miss Elvira put her gold watch and her breastpin and her pocket-book, with seventeen dollars in it, under the feather- bed ; and Mrs. Eose carried the silver teaspoons up-stairs, and hid them under hers.

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Young Lucretia, And Other Stories
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