A Coven of Vampires

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The name of his birthplace has nothing to do with Scharme’s story; the village was anything but paradisiacal, being a collection or huddle of farm buildings, some middling private dwellings and a grubby gasthaus, all reached along unmetalled roads, which, for at least four months of the year were little more than ruts around the perimeters of boggy fields.Therefore, neither the date nor location of his origin was especially auspicious. The best we can say of them is that they were uninspired…dra...b beginnings for a man whose longevity would make him a legend of godlike proportions, not only in his own lifetime but also in every one of the countless millions of lives which would come and be lived and go—often in unseemly haste—before Scharme himself was yet fifty years old.But here the paradox: he achieved that age not as might be expected in 1990, but in the summer of 2097. And the following story includes the facts of how that came about.• • •Aged sixteen years and three months, Scharme left Paradise and became an apprentice signwriter.

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