A Metamorphosis

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They had been well rid of her in Caracas. As she had cynically observed to Mrs Andrews, she had done evil all her life ; and had persisted in doing evil to the very '■ end. She had perished while engaged in carrying to a hideous consummation not the least of her crimes. A bullet, which they discovered embedded in her thigh, had probably been the immediate cause of her destruction ; it was the one which Mrs Andrews had fired at her in what was really self-defence. If it had done nothing else, it... had I caused her to lose her balance and to drop like a stone to the bottom of the pit. The pit was nearly a hundred feet deep : they had to descend into it by means of scaling ladders. Such a fall was, in itself, sufficient to prove fatal to a person of her bulk.
^^'hen, after the lengthy interval which was necessary to enable them to obtain means of gaining access into that place of horror, they came on the little lady. She was still alive — but that was all: she died that night. She never regained consciousness ; but muttered to herself at intervals ; and the last two words which she uttered were distinctly audible.

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