A Secret Rage (2014)

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Facial treatments, creams, the whole battery of makeup I’d considered never using again, all came out of boxes and tubes I’d stuck far back in my vanity.
After applying them, I felt a cool sheen slip over me, the sheen I’d worn like armor in the city. It didn’t fit as well as it had. But I could still wear it. The New York Nickie had had her points. She’d had that wonderful gloss of safety most people don’t even know they possess until they lose it. She hadn’t been a victim.
For the first time i
...n weeks, I consciously examined my face in the mirror. Today it seemed important; maybe the most important thing about me. I examined every pore, every wrinkle-in-the-making, as I once had done daily. I did my exercises, which had also been neglected lately. My muscles ached afterward. Cully the jogger would be proud of me.
I recalled all the warning stories I’d heard about what happened when you dropped that daily exam and tone-up. I could hear a friend (another model) relating with horror what had happened to a comrade of ours who’d married months before; inexplicably, she had wed an upstate farmer.

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