An Address Delivered At Watertown, Ct., in the Congregational Church ... the 26th of September, 1877

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What reading level is An Address Delivered At Watertown, Ct., in the Congregational Church ... the 26th of September, 1877 book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

The value of such knowledge cannot be measured, for it sur- passes all limits ; nor can it be estimated, for it is beyond all price.
It is to know the sources and elements of wealth in every age and every land — to know that the broadest, strongest aild most en- during basis of oui power and prosperity as a nation, and of our individual wealth is the soil. Our greatest possession and profit are and ever will be the productions of the earth, and they are obtained only by human toil. They are and
... ever must be the sole foundation of commerce and manufactures. How deficient, therefore, must lie the education of every American youth who is not taught the nature and value of the products of the earth, and the extent and character of the labor required to obtain them !
No attention has been given in any of our prominent semina- ries of learning, or method adopted to instruct our youth in this branch of knowledge till within the past few years, and since our General Government made a grant to the States of public lands for educational objects, and designated agriculture as one of them.

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You can find similar books in the "Read Also" column, or choose other free books by Foot, Samuel Alfred, 1790-1878. [from Old Catalog] to read online
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