An American Family in Paris

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An American Family in Paris
Ticknor, Anna Eliot, 1823-1896
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Now on the front of Notre- Dame you will see statues and carvings of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection; of our Saviour and his mother, and John the Baptist, the apostles, and St. Stephen, King Solomon, and several of the old prophets, and of the parable of the wise and foolish virgins ; and you will see a row of statues of Jewish kings. These stone carvings told the ignorant people something about our Saviour, and his apostles, and his par- ables, and that there would be a resurrection, an...d a day of judgment ; and this was all very Digitized by VjOOQIC 128 AN AMERICAN FAMILY IN PARIS.
good. But now it is better to read and hear about these things ; for when we look at statues and pictures, they dp not always look as we think they should, and we begin to wonder why they were carved and painted so, and stop thinking about the subject. There isn't much now that is old inside Notre-Dame. The ancient ornaments there have been destroyed at diffeijent times, the windows broken and mended, the paintings on the walls whitewashed over, and everything taken away that could be carried off, so that whatever is handsome there is new.

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