Ancient History of Greece And Rome

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It was in this distressful state of the republic, that Solon was applied to for his advice.
Why did Lycurgus leave his country ? — In what war were ihe Spartans first engaged ? — What induced the Athenians to improve their government, and whom did they choose aB legislator ?
INSTITUTIONS OP SOLON. 85 Solon was one of the seven wise men of Greece,* and had given repeated proofs of his wisdom before he was advanced to the office of legislator. He was sensible that there were certain disorders in
...the state that were altogether incurable ; and with these, therefore, he resolved not in the least to meddle. In a word, as he himself declared, he gave his countrymen not the best of all possible laws, but the best they were capable of receiving. His first step was to abolish the debts of the poor, who had been grievously oppressed by the rich, owing to the exorbitant interest they exacted from them. But to do this with the least injury he could to the creditor, he raised the value of money a little, and by that means nominally increased their riches.

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