Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1956

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A. Clark, truck pts, etc.
182.27 Taylor Chevrolet 39.24 Jesseman's Garage 63.30 T. B. Walker 9.80 Ideal Welding 54.87 James H. Rowe 20.65 R. C. Hazelton Co.
165.62 Interstate Equipment Co.
1,054.48 Scruggs Hardware 37.51 Walker Motor Sales 5.30 Armstrong & Botsford 111.00 C. S. Mitchell 7.31 Hartley Hardware 2.45 Treas., State of N. H., salt 67.10 International Salt Co.
129.00 Woodsville Bldg. Supply Co.
14.18 Treas., State of N. H., rake teeth 42.55 N. E. Metal Culvert Co.
435.50 Lisbon Grain
...Co., culverts 284.56 Robert Varney, plank 142.29 Fred N. Clarke, Com.
2.00 Wayne Whitcomb, lumber 19.00 J. E. Faltin, express 2.65 $ 4,188.39 31 Gravel : Kenneth Curran, crushed rock $ 540.00 R. V. Armstrong, gravel 34.50 Ervin Dodge, gravel 18.00 Tony Locke, gravel 4.50 George Poor, gravel 56.40 Douglas Cate, gravel 3.00 Nellie Smith, gravel 9.00 $ 665.40 Total $11,613.45 Detail 13. Highway Maintenance ■ — Winter Labor Verne A. Sherman $1,117.50 William Stebbins 665.80 Waldo Peters 390.25 Henry Richardson 9.00 Leon Laundre 137.00 Earl Cole 43.00 George Brill 5.00 Director Int.

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Annual Report of the Town of Bath, New Hampshire 1956
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