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It’s not right! Why is he getting away with this, again? You let it happen twice at the beginning of the semester, and he’s still attacking her. Shouldn’t he be punished now?” Zes was shouting not too far away. Just down the hall was the bedroom Mr. Thantos was sharing with Denver and another student. It wasn’t even breakfast yet, and his brother already knew what had happened between Cheyenne and Denver. Denver must have gone ahead and bitten her, too.
    Anj sighed and walked down the hallway
..., briefly using his magic to see how far away the next room was. When he reached Zes, he put a hand on his brother’s shoulder, wanting to calm him because the last thing they needed was a scene.
    “There are things that make the situation complicated,” Mr. Thantos said in a surprisingly soothing tone. Usually, the dark angel wasn’t so gentle and understanding.
    “Yeah, but—” Zes started.
    “Believe me when I say I agree with you.

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