Between Whiles

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What was, was best to be.
'T will all be plain to us at last.
In some long looked for day And, in a voice of praise to God, We '11 thank him for "the way." AMANS.
When she smiles, I love her.
For then, upon her face.
The rarest beauties hover That angel fingers trace.
When she speaks, I love her.
For, from her lips, I hear The word that shows, above her, Angelic forms are near.
When she weeps, I love her.
For angels weep as she — The tears her fair face cover In sympathy for me.
Because she lov, I love her — Because her love is mine.
O'er us the angels hover And make our love divine.
''TIME WORKS WONDERS/^ I loved a maid with flaxen hair — This Uttle maid loved me, I asked, would she my fortune share?
"I'll be your wife," said she.
Her father, who consent withheld, Was firm as dads can be — ' ' Then, since elopements are the rage, Why, we'll elope," quoth she.
Her pa pursued and caught us both, Ere she my name could bear, And brought us back in deep disgrace, A sad, but wiser pair.

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Between Whiles
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