Beyond Heaven's River

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Translated from the Japanese by Language Program (Trevor) — 1360-C Twentieth.Married. Almost trivial, four hundred and some years old, recording a marriage. Married before, seven times, but to people who didn’t exist. I know the institution, but through the distortions imposed by divine spirits.Married to Anna Sigrid Nestor, strong, loving, fragile. Like jumping off a cliff. Beneath the dome, I was never nervous about being married, any more than an actor on stage. What was I committing myself t...o? But now I can choose to let my time run short — to die. A marriage can take up a substantial portion of the rest of my life — perhaps all of it. For Anna it was a nervous time, too. Between us we sweated lakes. Slurred our speech. Laughed at our mistakes. Some cried with Anna. Some laughed with me when I delivered my lines in suddenly broken English, as though I’d forgotten.Married in the cargo bay, by an interdenominational minister. License witnessed by thePeloros Testament as legal counsel for the ship, under supervision of three human lawyers; these signed our license.

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