Blood Bound

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Anne leaned back on the couch, one arm over her closed eyes, and I wondered if she was trying to keep the light out or the hope in. “But if she could see so far in advance, wouldn’t she know we’d eventually need Hadley’s real, full name? Even if she never saw this particular problem coming? Why on earth would she trust me with her child, but not with that child’s name?”“Maybe she did,” Cam said, and Anne sat up to frown at him. “But she couldn’t just write Hadley’s middle and last names down som...ewhere where anyone might find them.”“An understandable paranoia,” I said, waving one hand for him to continue.“So maybe she hid them.”“Hid them where?” Anne demanded, her voice brittle with frustration. Or maybe that was pain. She was probably miserable by now, considering how long her accidental breach of contract with Noelle had been in effect.“It would have to be somewhere you’d be sure to see them, but no one else would notice them.” I rubbed my forehead, my brain racing.

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