Blood Trail

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Rose repeated, her tone turning the statement into a question. She sighed and pushed a shock of pale hair back off her face. “I guess it started when Silver got shot.”
“Silver?” Vicki asked. She had a feeling that if she didn’t stay on top of this explanation it was going to get away from her pretty quickly.
“Our aunt,” Rose began but Peter cut in when he saw the look on Vicki’s face.
“We have two names,” he explained. “One for each form.” He laid a short-fingered hand against the tanned muscles
... of his chest. “This is Peter, but it was Storm who met you at the door. And, in her fur-form, Rose is called Cloud. It’s easier than explaining to outsiders why all the farm dogs have the same names as members of the family.”
“I can imagine it must be,” Vicki agreed, pleased that her earlier assumption about the names had been verified. “But doesn’t it get a little confusing?”
Peter shrugged. “Why should it? You have more than one name. You’re Ms. Nelson to some people, Vicki to others, and you don’t find it confusing.”

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Blood Trail
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Guest 6 years ago

eh it's good but I need info about it

Tyonblount 6 years ago

I like it it’s very good

Guest 6 years ago

I like thIs BoOk

Guest 6 years ago

This one was absolutely amazing

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