Bradbury's New Elementary Arithmetic: Comprising Oral And Written Work

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Bradbury's New Elementary Arithmetic: Comprising Oral And Written Work
Bradbury, William Frothingham, 1829-1914
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What reading level is Bradbury's New Elementary Arithmetic: Comprising Oral And Written Work book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

5. If a man steps just 1 yard, how many feet will he go in 12 steps ?
6. How many inches in 1^ yards ?
7. At 8 cents a yard, what ought to be paid for 4 yards and 9 inches of ribbon ?
8. Cut off a piece of paper, or a stick, exactly an inch in length. Six inches in length.
9. How many inches is this page in width ? In length ?
10. How many inches long is your desk? How many feet ?
11. How many feet tall are you ? How many inches ?
12. How many yards is it round this room ? How many feet?
126 CO
124. SQUARE 144 square inches (sq. in.) = 9 square feet = 801 square yards, or ) 272} square feet ) 160 square rods = 640 acres = MEASURE.
1 square foot (sq. ft.).
1 square yard (sq. yd.).
1 square rod tea. rd.V (sq. rd.).
1 acre (a,\ 1 square mile (sq. m).
square rod 1 acre Note. The units of square measure, so far as they are the same in name, are obtained by squaring {that is, taking twice as a factor) the units of the" table of linear measure.
125. A Rectangle is a plane (or flat) surface bounded by four straight lines and having all its angles equal.

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