Calendar of the Papers of Martin Van Buren, Prepared From the Original Manuscripts in the Library of Congress

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What reading level is Calendar of the Papers of Martin Van Buren, Prepared From the Original Manuscripts in the Library of Congress book?
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4 p. (Incomplete).
[1837? [Van Buren, Martin. Washington]. To [George Mifflin Mae. ?] Dallas, Philadelphia ?] On the appointment of a secretary to the Russian legation. A. Df. 2 p.
"Private." [1837 [Woodbury, Levi. Washington]. Statements on banking Mae. ?] conditions : [1] "Condition of deposit banks from about July to November, 1836, as to discounts in each State." Df. 2 p.
[2] "Comparative discounts in States Nov. 36 & Mar. 37 by deposit banks — about middle of each month. Df . 2 p.
...S OF MARTIN VAN BUREN 285 [Woodbury, Levi] — Continued.
[3] "Comparative condition of deposit banks in dis-^ counts between July 31st, 36, & March 25th, 1837." Df. 2 p.
[4] "Exhibit of the comparative situation of banks on the 1 July 1836 & the 1st March 1837." Ip.
[5] "Table 4. Deposit banks — Condition of at dif- ferent periods [Oct. 1, 1833-Mar. 1, 1837.]" Ip.
1837 [Isabel II, by Maria Cristina]. Order, in pursuance of the -Ajr- 1 decree of Cortes, 1837, Mar. 30, on imports and duties. Newspaper cHpping.

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