Catalogue of the Selous Collection of Big Game in the British Museum (Natural History)

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January, 1903. Londiani, Kenya Colony.
126-133 —19. 7. 15. 151-158 Uasin Gishu Plateau, Kenya Colony.
Ourebia montana ssquatm-ia, Heller, Smithson. Misc. Collect, vol. Ix.
no. 8, p. 12, 1912.
In this race the horns are smaller and less heavily ringed than in cottoni.
The greatest horn-length in the following series is 4 j-**^ inches (No. 19. 7. 15. 159), with a tip to tip interval of 2-^\.
Typical locality, Lado Enclave ; range
... extends over a large portion of the Sudan, from Lake No and the Sobat River in the north, through the Bahr-el-Ghazal, and reaches as far south as the A-lbert Nyanza.
134 —19. 7. 15. 159. Bumbek, Bahr-el-Ghazal.
135 —19. 7. 15. 160. Barlgerut, Bahr-el-Ghazal.
136-137 - Bahr-el-Ghazal.
Haphiceetts campestets campestris.
Capra gnmmia, Thunberg, Beise, vol. ii. p. 8, 1789, tiec Linn.
Antilope campestris, Thunberg, Mt-m. Ac. Sci. St. P^tersb. vol. iii. p. 313, 1811.

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