Ceremonies At the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary

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Twenty-four years ago it was my fortune to attend a meeting here of the Southern Loyalists, with whom the Governors of the Northern States were invited to participate in the conference upon the situation brought about by the attitude of President Johnson.
I remember the princely entertainment that was extended to that convention and the delegates from the West by the Union League.
All the Governors of the loyal States were present. Among them were Morton, of Indiana, on whose broad shoulders, a
...s upon an Atlas, the interests of the loyal West had rested during the war ; Yates, of Illinois ; Buckingham, of Connecticut ; Fenton and Morgan, of New York; John A. Andrew, that great and warm-hearted representative of New England ; and of course your own great loyal Governor, Andrew G. Curtin. Alas, of all those war Governors, so far as I now know, none remain but Ramsey, of my own State, and Curtin, of Pennsylvania.
Companions and Citizens of Philadelphia: It is an instructive thing to us of the far West to come to your city, one so rich in his- toric associations and patriotic memories.

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Ceremonies At the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary
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